Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Election Day 2012

The 2012 election is just days away. As eligible voters, each of us has a duty to understand the electoral process. The right to vote is a tremendous privilege and we show our appreciation by participating in the democratic process.

As President of Berkeley College, I am especially interested in encouraging the youth of the nation to be politically active citizens. According to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University, “roughly 11 million eligible voters, ages 18 to 24 are in college, about a quarter of all eligible young voters.”

The youth vote is sadly underrepresented, even though important issues facing students such as financial aid funding, loan repayment terms and job creation will be affected by the outcome of the election. I am proud that Berkeley College students have demonstrated that they understand the importance of the election and are spreading the word to others. This year more than 75 students participated in "Rock the Vote" events at the New York City campus.

The social media team has also been busy reminding students about deadlines to register and have provided live streaming links to the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates.

Click on the video below to see how Berkeley College students are taking charge of their future and voting!
On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, I will cast my ballot. I encourage you to do the same.


Dario A. Cortes, PhD
President, Berkeley College

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Berkeley College Celebrates our Community Partnership with the Town of Greenburgh

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Career services, job training, and community partnerships have always been an important part of the Berkeley College mission. Last week I was able to see a community partnership in action with a win-win solution.

The White Plains Career Services Department has partnered with the Town of Greenburgh, NY to provide students with real world work experience through the federal work study program.

The program has been so successful that year after year, the town asks for more student workers, and this year nine Berkeley College students will provide service to help combat the back-log of paper parking tickets and save the town close to one million dollars!

On September 20, 2012 I participated in a press conference with Paul Feiner, Town Supervisor who thanked Berkeley College for its continued participation in this important project.

Mr. Feiner said, "This partnership is of tremendous benefit to the Town of Greenburgh and the 90,000 citizens we serve. We are so proud of these talented students from Berkeley College who are performing meaningful government work, gaining real government work experience, and saving our taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

The Greenburgh partnership showcases the best of Berkeley College and once again proves that our students are hardworking individuals with valuable education and work experience. Meaningful projects like this are a testament to the success of Berkeley College.

I encourage you to share your comments on this and other Berkeley College success stories in the comments section of this blog.


Dario A. Cortes, PhD
President, Berkeley College

Thursday, September 27, 2012

¡ Celébre el mes de la herencia Hispana ! Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!

Photo Credit: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Army_51842_U.S._Army

"Queremos un mundo donde la vida se conserva y la calidad de vida se enriquece para todo el mundo, no sólo para los privilegiados".

"We want a world where life is preserved, and the quality of life is enriched for - everybody, not only for the privileged".

- Isabel Allende, Chilean American writer

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

From September 15 to October 15, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. This month we recognize the historical, economic and social contributions made by people of Hispanic descent. Born in Colombia and raised in Argentina, I am proud of my heritage and have a personal connection to the Latino people and culture.

Throughout its history, Berkeley College has shown a commitment to diversity, and I am pleased to lead an institution with a growing number of Latino students. Today, students at Berkeley who identity as Hispanic, represent over 28% of the student body.

During this month we celebrate the Hispanic contribution to the social and cultural growth of our country.


Dario A. Cortes, PhD
President, Berkeley College

Estimados amigos y colegas:

A partir del 15 de septiembre hasta el 15 de octubre celebramos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Durante este mes reconocemos las contribuciones históricas, económicas y sociales de la población latina. Nacido en Colombia y criado en la Argentina, me siento orgulloso de mi descendencia y tengo un fuerte vÍnculo con la gente y la cultura latina.

A lo largo de su historia, Berkeley College ha demostrado su compromiso con la diversidad y estoy orgulloso de ser parte de una institución que tiene un gran número de estudiantes latinos. Hoy en día, los estudiantes de Berkeley College, quienes se identifican como hispanos, representan más del 28% del cuerpo estudiantil.

Durante este mes, celebramos nuestra contribución hispana al progreso social y cultural de los Estados Unidos.


Darío A. Cortés, PhD
Presidente, Berkeley College

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Reading

I hope that you are enjoying this hot and humid summer. Whether you are spending the summer working, in school, or vacationing with your family, take the opportunity to enjoy a good book. Reading is a lifelong hobby for me and an important part of my professional and personal growth.

I recently returned from vacation with my family and would like to share with you my summer reading list. My list includes non-fiction references to expand my knowledge as well as narrative works to develop my imagination.

 By Walter Isaacson

El Cantaba Boleros (in Spanish)
By Guillermo Cabrera Infante

 By Diana G Oblinger

I have also asked our distinguished faculty to share their summer reading lists. Below are a few of their suggestions.

By Dashiell Hammett

By Michael Chabon

By Jane Austen

Ready, Set, Green: Eight Weeks to Modern Eco-Living
 by Graham Hill, Meaghan O'Neill

I invite you to share your summer reading favorites by clicking on the comments section


Dario A. Cortes, PhD

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


On Friday, June 15, 2012, we celebrated the dedication of the Larry L. Luing School of Business.

Berkeley College Chairman Emeritus

Larry L. Luing became President of Berkeley College in 1969. Through his vision and leadership, The Berkeley School was transformed into a regionally accredited coeducational college awarding Bachelor's and Associate's degrees with a solid reputation locally, nationally, and around the globe.


Click to view "A Vision of a Leader" video

As President of Berkeley College, I am honored to continue the legacy of Larry L. Luing.

One of my first tasks as President was the development of a strategic plan. An outcome of this plan was the realignment of the academic departments into three schools, one of which is the School of Business.

I am proud to report that today the School of Business student population comprises 5,000 students. Of these, 80 percent are pursuing Baccalaureate degrees.

Larry L. Luing School of Business
naming ceremony

Join me in thanking Larry L. Luing for creating an institution that has allowed thousands of students to attend college, graduate, and follow their dreams.

Please share your congratulations and excitement for this momentous occasion in the comments section.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Dario A. Cortes, PhD

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Berkeley College Community Service Day

Berkeley College has a long tradition of serving organizations in the local and global community. On Friday, May 11, 2012 we continued this tradition with our annual Berkeley College Community Service Day.

I am proud to report that over 350 Berkeley College associates and 15 alumni volunteered over 1,500 hours of community service at 36 locations across New York and New Jersey.

Community Service Day at
Room to Grow in New York City
This year I volunteered at Room to Grow, a non-profit foundation with the mission to enrich the lives of babies born into poverty. Room to Grow provides parenting support and essential baby items to families across New York City that they receive through donations. Our task on Community Service Day was to sort and organize the donated clothes and toys.

Community Service Day with Mayor McCormac
at Trinity Church in Woodbridge, NJ
 While we spent the day knee-deep in baby blankets, our colleagues were busy serving lunches at the Hoboken Shelter, cleaning up the beaches in Sandy Hook, NJ, delivering meals with City Meals on Wheels, planting a garden at Gilda’s Club, as well as
other activities in New York and New Jersey.  

Giving back is a core value of Berkeley College. Teaching and learning takes place both in and out of the classroom and is critical to the full educational experience of our students.

Community Service Day is a wonderful opportunity for our associates to give back to the communities where we live and work.

Please share your Community Service Day experience or tell me about your past service experience by clicking on the comments section.

President Cortes

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Earth Day 2012

Each year on Earth Day we celebrate the beautiful world we live in and remember that each of us contributes to the health and well-being of the Earth.

At Berkeley College we take environmentalism seriously. I would like to congratulate the Brooklyn and White Plains campuses for their extraordinary efforts in Project GreenPath’s Recyclemania 2012!

View this great video to learn about Recylcemania at Berkeley College.

Berkeley College academics is also green! An option to the Management Degree in Environmental Management is offered online and at the Woodland Park campus.


Berkeley College is participating in Earth Day events throughout New York and New Jersey. Join the Earth Day fair in New York City, clean up the parks in Woodbridge and Woodland Park, and attend the Earth Day Auction in Westchester. Click here for the list of events.

How to do you plan to celebrate Earth Day?

Leave a note in the comments section to let everyone know your plans.

Happy Earth Day everyone!


President Cortes

Monday, February 27, 2012

Celebrate Women in History 2012

February is African American History Month and was first celebrated during a week in February 1926 that encompassed both the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.

The celebration was expanded to a month in 1976, the nation’s bicentennial. President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans “to seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every endeavor in our history.”

This year’s theme, “Black Women in American Culture and History,” invites us to recognize the contribution that African American Women have played in our country’s history. These courageous women “have long served as champions of social and political change,” said President Barack Obama in his January 31, 2012 proclamation.

To celebrate both African American History Month and Women’s History Month, we are presenting the following events for our students, alumni, and the Berkeley community. Join us and hear from diverse and talented women leaders as they share their perspectives and experiences.

March 7 - Women’s Leadership Forum, 1:30-3:15pm, 3 East 43rd Street, NYC
(for more information please contact Nicole Luthman at 212-986-4343, ext 4214)

March 9 - 4th Annual Women’s Leadership Panel, 11:00am, Woodland Park, NJ

(for more information please contact Laura DeMers at 201-967-9667, ext 1794)

March 21 – “Women’s Leadership: Reflections, Insight, and Wisdom,” 6:30pm, 3 East 43rd Street, NYC

(for more information please contact Corina Slackman at 973-278-5400, ext 1208)
In celebration of African American History Month and Women's History month, I would like to learn about the women of color whom you admire and respect.

Please enter your comments by clicking on “comments” or in the box below.

Dario A. Cortes, PhD