Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veterans Day 2011

Each year on November 11, we honor the veterans of our armed forces for the enormous efforts they have made to keep our country safe and free.

As Americans, we owe them a debt of gratitude that we can never fully repay.But what we can do is provide our returning veterans with the tools they need to achieve their career goals and make a successful transition from military life to civilian life.

It is a responsibility that we take very seriously here at Berkeley College.
During the past few years, we have instituted a number of programs to provide our returning veterans with the counseling, academic support and financial services they need to earn their college degrees.

Our efforts on behalf of our active military and veteran students have been recognized by GI Jobs magazine and Military Advanced Education Magazine, which has included Berkeley College on its honor roll of military friendly schools for the past three years.

We are also a Servicemember Opportunity College (SOC), which means that we are members of a consortium of colleges and universities that adhere to a set of standards known as the Military Students Bill of Rights. The Military Students Bill of Rights ensures that veterans are treated with fairness and honesty in recruiting, enrollment and academic practices.

At Berkeley College, our admissions officers are fully trained in G.I. Bill regulations. Our two Coordinators of Veterans Support Services are able to provide our military and returning veteran students with the information they need to learn about and apply for the VA benefits to which they are entitled.

Berkeley College has also instituted a unique educational partnership known as CVET, specifically designed to meet the needs of our combat veteran students. Administered by the Berkeley College Office of Military and Veterans Affairs, the program is staffed by retired and current members of the military who are uniquely prepared to offer our student veterans the services they need to succeed.

Participants in our CVET program receive direct counseling and support throughout their academic journeys and are able to choose from a wide variety of academic options that make it possible for them to integrate their career studies with their family and financial obligations.

And, when our CVET students near graduation, they are assigned to an on-the-job internship with one of the many employer participants who are proud to do their part to help our veterans succeed.

Berkeley College is recognizing Veterans Day with a ceremony at our Woodland Park Campus today. We are also marching in the parade in NYC on November 11. How are you celebrating Veterans Day? I would like to hear from you. Please add your comments below.

To all of our staff, faculty and student military/veterans, thank you for your service.

Dario A. Cortes, PhD