Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Election Day 2012

The 2012 election is just days away. As eligible voters, each of us has a duty to understand the electoral process. The right to vote is a tremendous privilege and we show our appreciation by participating in the democratic process.

As President of Berkeley College, I am especially interested in encouraging the youth of the nation to be politically active citizens. According to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University, “roughly 11 million eligible voters, ages 18 to 24 are in college, about a quarter of all eligible young voters.”

The youth vote is sadly underrepresented, even though important issues facing students such as financial aid funding, loan repayment terms and job creation will be affected by the outcome of the election. I am proud that Berkeley College students have demonstrated that they understand the importance of the election and are spreading the word to others. This year more than 75 students participated in "Rock the Vote" events at the New York City campus.

The social media team has also been busy reminding students about deadlines to register and have provided live streaming links to the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates.

Click on the video below to see how Berkeley College students are taking charge of their future and voting!
On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, I will cast my ballot. I encourage you to do the same.


Dario A. Cortes, PhD
President, Berkeley College

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